Our Causes
Dedicated to Providing Financial Aid and Life-Long Skills to Mothers of Afghanistan and educational opportunities to children in need.
Winter Appeal
In Afghanistan, the winter can get painfully cold. Without the luxury of radiators and central heating, the people of Afghanistan struggle to keep warm in these long months. Help us to provide warm clothing and blankets.
Food Aid
Thousands of children die every day due to starvation and hunger. Your donation could help curb malnutrition and provide a family with essential items.
Sewing School
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “No food is better to man than that which he earns through his manual
Build A Water Well
One of the best forms of continuous charity are water wells fund raise your own well or join our group wells. We seek out community locations on your behalf in rural areas and employ local builders to install the wells
Sadaqatul Fitr / Zakat ul-Fitr
In this bless month of Ramadhan, as well as fasting, there is also another obligation upon Muslims too. It is called Sadaqatul Fitr / Zakat ul Fitr: a donation made by every member of a household before Eid salah. The money donated is given to feed our impoverished brothers and sisters.