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Food Aid

The Prophet (SAW) said:
‘The best of you are those who feed others’. [Musnad Ahmed]

The situation in Afghanistan is truly dire, with 22 million people suffering from hunger and countless lives at risk. Innocent children are dying every day due to a lack of food. It is heart-wrenching to learn that over 1 million children under five are being sent to work to provide for their families. This crisis is one of the world’s largest humanitarian disasters, and it’s devastating to see so many families going days without food due to a struggling economy.

At MOA, we are dedicated to providing a lifeline to those in Afghanistan who desperately need it.

A man once asked the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) “What Islamic traits are the best?” The Prophet said, “Feed the people, and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know”. [Sahih Bukhari]

Let us emulate the sunnah of the Noble Prophet (SAW). For just £55, you can provide a family in Afghanistan with enough food to sustain them for an entire month. Your generous donation can feed the hungry, including orphans, widows, and those who are in desperate need. We urge you to donate your Zakah, Sadqah or Lillah to support this noble cause and make a tangible difference in the lives of those who are suffering. Together, we can feed the needy and help save countless lives.