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Our Causes

Dedicated to Providing Financial Aid and Life-Long Skills to Mothers of Afghanistan and educational opportunities to children in need.

Water Well constructed in Afghanistan by donors

Build A Water Well

One of the best forms of continuous charity are water wells fund raise your own well or join
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Social Enterprise Afghanistan Sewing

Sewing School

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “No food is better to man than that which he earns through his manual
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Bread aid Distribution MOA Afghanistan

Bread Appeal

We continue to provide fresh bread from our factory in Qalai Zaman Khan to local orphans and widows.
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Aqeeqah/Aqiqah Afghanistan


Aisha (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:“Slaughter two comparable sheep for a male newborn and one sheep
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Masjid-Mosque Construction Afghanistan

Build a Masjid

We look to work with you to build masjids with social enterprises to allow the building and funding
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Fardh Zakat/Zakah distribution 2.5% of wealth


We continue to distribute zakat around Afghanistan. With many under the poverty line we look to support mainly
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