The Prophet SAW said:
“One who pays Zakat, Allah will make their wealth increase” (Sahih Bukhari)
What is Zakah?
Zakat, an obligatory act of almsgiving, holds a significant place among the five pillars of Islam. Alongside the pillars of prayer (salah), fasting (sawm), pilgrimage (Hajj), and the belief in Allah and His Messenger (shahadah), Zakat is a mandatory duty for all Muslims. It is incumbent upon every mentally sound, adult Muslim who possesses wealth exceeding a specified threshold known as the Nisab to contribute 2.5% of that wealth as Zakat.
What is Nisab?
The Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess before they become liable to pay Zakat. This amount is often referred to as the Nisab threshold.
Gold and silver are the two values used to calculate the Nisab threshold. The Nisab is the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver.
Current Nisab value (12 March 2024)
Using value of silver 612.36 grams = £364.65
Using value of gold 87.48 grams = £4,372.41
For six extraordinary years, MOA has maintained and continues to uphold a 100% Zakat policy. This means that every penny of your Zakat donation directly supports the most deserving individuals, including orphans, widows, disabled individuals, and needy families. Emulating the noble example of the Prophet (peace be upon him), your 100% Zakat contribution goes towards assisting those in greatest need.
Ensure the impactful use of your Zakat donation by choosing to donate through us today. With our steadfast commitment, you can be confident that your contribution will reach its intended recipients as promised. Join us in making a meaningful difference through your Zakat donation.